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Random Stuff and IdeasDragon Goes House Hunting, the ED is too beautiful
I will just share the ED video below from the official source on youtube. Even though the anime was 2-year old, I just finished the series lately on Bilibili (and actually paid for the premium to access the exclusives). The ED leaves me with quite a lasting...
AlipayHK supports remittance to Alipay(CN), finally! (with caveats)
AlipayHK is great for everyday buying on Taobao, but still, it's limited in certain ways. You can't use it to buy many gaming or cloud services. For example, baiduyun (the cloud service from Baidu) requires a China-based payment gateway only. And worst of all,...
Repair MP3 file with This Simple Software (from over a decade ago!)
To make this post short, this is the tool called MP3 Repair Tool. Already self explanatory. It was published in 2005! https://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Audio/Other-AUDIO-Tools/MP3RepairTool.shtml Or direct download from gdrive....
Consumption Voucher Scheme, How to Spend it on Google Play Store (or other App Store)
In Hong Kong, the Consumption Voucher Scheme has rolled out lately. I've decided to spend some of it on App Store; after all, most of my online shopping are Taobao, eBay and Amazon, which are not eligible for the scheme. As the scheme is only for local vendor, you...
Windows 10, How to Solve “Access Denied” Drive Issue
I lately come across this inaccessible drive issue, due to NTFS file format. This solution below may help fix it but may lead to potential security issue, which may be a concern. It is to add a user group "everyone" to allow global access. I think adding...
Whatstickers, How to Use the Stickers in Whatsapp
It's actually quite simple and straightforward, but I manage to miss the button. Simply click on the icon within the input field to switch to whatstickers mode.